Customer Testimonials

At Spry Finance we are committed to delivering unparalleled products, we take immense pride in the relationships we cultivate and the trust our clients place in us.

What our Clients have to say…

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My experience with Spry has been a very pleasant and seamless one. From start to finish, they were very transparent and supportive. Any and all information I required was supplied immediately in a very pleasant atmosphere.

The representative that I dealt with (Arthur), was always available to me. The customer service was second to none, and the fact that I dealt with the same people from the start of the process, to the happy conclusion, was very reassuring and comforting. My overall impression is that Spry have a genuine interest in their clients wellbeing and confidentiality. They have been extremely transparent and supportive in every way. A most agreeable and amiable team of professional people.

A very positive outcome. I am very pleased and content with the entire process, from start to finish

Joseph. Age 62.
Using Funds for Home Improvements and Financial Security.

spry quotes

I just want to thank you for the support I have received from yourself and Spry Finance.

From the very start the one to one consultation was excellent no pressure even though it took me a while to decide on my precise requirements.  Your advice was invaluable. Nothing was too much trouble. Also I have to commend your office staff and their procedures which were without doubt professional and timely. I am happy to recommend you to my friends.  Simply you were reliable accurate and did what was promised.

Retired Female. Age 65.
Using Funds for Refinancing Mortgage.

spry quotes

Great Experience. From our inquiry, there was excellent communication. Everyone involved was extremely knowledgeable especially Nigel who, from his presentation, walked through every step with us until completion. He answered every question or query immediately.

Both Spry Finance and Nigel made the process very easy and I would highly recommended them. We are very grateful.

Denise. Age 62.
Using Funds for Refinancing Mortgage and Lump Sum for Living Expenses.